Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Caring Goats As Pets

Except for the aggressive bucks (and the occasional doe), goats are naturally good-natured than people would credit them for. Caring for goats as pets sounds fun enough. It also means considerable work in terms of raising them.

The fun part stays. The work of feeding and raising them are all paid for almost daily by their affectionate and occasionally funny nature.


The first thing to do when deciding to adopt a goat is to check if livestock is permitted in your community. Many suburban cities and towns do not allow this, even as pets.

Some places require special permits. Do the necessary paper preparations before getting your animal.


Goats can be affectionate and can become intelligent pets. Knowing the basic facts about goats – their behavior, requirements in housing and food, where to buy them, etc. – can help a prospective goat owner if the idea of keeping the animal as pet is sound.

Goat enthusiasts should know about the mischievous nature of goat behavior. Particularly worth noting would be their tendency to investigate everything with their mouths. These could include your clothes, your hands, your ornamental plants, and just about everything else they find interesting.

Goats are very gregarious animals. They enjoy the social company of other goats, and even other farm animals. (Of course, dominant bucks may fight among themselves from time to time.)

Goats will test your fences, either intentionally or they just would like to climb or jump onto anything. If your fence can be spread, pushed down, or jumped over – they will escape.


Have an escape-proof enclosure erected first before bringing in your goat. This should also be good enough to protect him from outside predators (panthers, coyotes, wolves).

Inside the enclosure would be a shelter to protect your goat from rain, snow and draft. A barn or a large shed would be good for his health.

Ideally, there should be some 20 square feet of shelter per goat, in a 200-square feet area of the secured enclosure.

There should be hay for his bedding, water receptacle, and grass hay (like Timothy or Bermuda) for his food which should be available at all times. In areas where the goat cannot pasture (and also on winter months) goat food (grains) must also be available.


Prospective goat owners must be prepared with items like de-wormers and other parasite control products. It is also very important to locate and contact a competent veterinarian (ideally for ruminant animals) for illnesses and injuries.

Livestock vets are needed to educate the new goat owners on such topics as routine care, parasite control, shearing, milking, neutering, hoof trimming, dehorning, etc. There are also annual vaccinations needed for tetanus toxoid and clostridium perfringens type C and D toxoid.

The quality of your prospective pet goat is also very important. They can be purchased from breeders, or adopted from animal shelters, etc. Care should be taken that those that are adopted are disease-free, and relatively healthy.

Depending on the sex, breed, and age, a goat will cost from $100 or up to several hundred more. These are typical for specialty goat varieties. Since they are gregarious and can be lonely, get at least a pair.

Now that you are ready for them as pets, are you ready for the constant goat care?


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dairy Goat Care

Goats are one of the most versatile animals domesticated by man. Aside from meat and other products (fur, leather) goats also provide us milk and some milk products comparable to cattle. And all these, with only a modicum of goat care.

Dairy goats

Officially, the American Dairy Goat Association recognizes six breeds of goats that produce milk and milk products. They are Nubians, LaManchas, Alpines, Oberhaslis, Toggenburgs, and Saanens.

The Alpines (any color, medium-large, erect ears, straight face) is one of the two breeds (the other is the Saanens) that is popular with dairy farms because of the amount of milk they produce.

The Saanens (pure white) have large udder capacities and just as popular as Alpines because of the amount of milk they give out.

Nubians have long floppy ears and one of the larger breeds. Their milk is higher in protein and butter fat than the others. They are noisier and more stubborn.

The ears of LaManchas are so small it looks like they don’t have them. They are smaller, and they are calm and gentler than the others.

Oberhaslis are colored bay (chamoise) with a black dorsal strip. They have erect ears and are medium built.

The Toggenburgs are light brown with white erect ears and lower legs. They have shaggy coats and are popular among dairies, although smaller than most breeds.

Goat dairy products

Today, more people in the world are now drinking goat’s milk than cow milk. Nutritionally, they are similar but goat’s milk has smaller fat globules (does not need homogenization), thus easier to digest for some people.

Goat milk is now processed into various ice creams in health food stores. Goat cheese (chèvre, the French word for goat) is used in salads and in cooking because they are higher in protein but lower in fat than that made of cow’s milk.

Goat’s milk soaps are bruited to be creamier and richer than the others, and have added vitamins, minerals and proteins.


In a comparison of milk contents of goats, cows and humans, goat’s milk tops the count especially in vitamins and some minerals. It levels with that of cow’s milk in proteins, but is the lowest in cholesterol count.

Goat milk is naturally homogenized. It has less lactose than cow’s milk and is less likely to trigger lactose intolerance in some people.

Goat’s milk is said to be more easily digestible than cow’s milk. This can be attributed to its casein curd which is softer and smaller than cow’s milk.

Milk boosters

As dairy goat raisers, you need to find ways and means to increase the milk production of your herd. The following are some of the ways.

Deworming your goats increases milk production. Illness and diseases (including anemia caused by worms and other parasites) slows down milk production, sometimes even stops it altogether.

Increase rations of high-quality hay. For high-milk production, alfalfa is one of the best because of high calcium content. Increased dry matter forage for the animals improves milk production.

It is also important that goat forage have high levels of fiber to promote increased rumen micro-flora which increases milk production.

Today, more and more goat raisers are into the business not just for the meat products. Goat care and raising them for dairy production also looks promising.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feeding And Goat Care

In the minds of some people, goat care is so easy you simply put hay in front of the animals. They are of the belief that feeding is all the care goats need at all. This, plus what was thought of goats before – that they can eat anything from cans, to cartoons and paper, to fabric and even scraps of plastic.

All these are not true, indeed.


Goat care is not that simple, and this is most evident in their nutritional feeding needs. Goats need year-round provisions of roughage like pasture, browser grass leaves or well-cured hay.

Young animals with inadequate nutrition in their diets are prone to diseases and will not reach their growth potential.

Those that are milking (does), the growing stocks (kids) and those used for breeding (bucks) need their daily rations of legume hay like alfalfa. For goat meat raisers, nutritious feeds for the herd take up the largest chunk of their expenses.

Goats need proteins, vitamins and minerals for energy, just like any other animal. Calorie-giving foods are the most limited while proteins are the most expensive.

Nutritional deficiencies as well as excesses (and other food imbalances) limit the goat’s growth and development and can lead to various health problems. They also need a lot of fiber for digestive well-being and plenty of water.

The nutritional requirements of goats also depend on several factors: present growth rate (kids), maintenance, lactation (for does), activity and the environment (cold or hot weather, etc).


Generally, food consumption of goats is equivalent to about 3% of their body weight. The exact amount varies according to the animal’s size.

Pasture and browse food are the most economical source of food (and nutrients) for the animals. Pasture is high in energy and protein content. However, it has high moisture content and the animals have to eat enough to meet their needs.

In cold season, hay is the primary nutrient source food. Legume hays (alfalfa, clover) have higher proteins, vitamins and minerals than grass hays. The nutritional content, however, depends on the maturity of the foliage when it was cut for storage.

Silage (from forage or grain crops) are also fed to goats. Care is needed to check on the quality of silage when feeding the animals. (Molds cause ‘circling disease’ in goats.)

Raisers usually provide additional food supplements to their animals in the form of grain concentrates. This is to provide additional nutrients that forage alone cannot give.

These protein supplements are derived from both animal and plant sources: soybean meals, cottonseed, and fish meal. Proteins are not stored in goats but burned or eliminated by the kidneys.

Some companies now offer feeds in pellet forms, marketing them as “complete” goat food. These are advantageous because goats who are very selective eaters cannot sort the feed ingredients in pellets.

Salt, calcium and phosphorus are the most important minerals needed by goats. They also need vitamins A, D, and E. Some grain rations already incorporate these vitamin-mineral pre-mixes.

Access to clean, fresh water is necessary for the animals. A mature goat drinks almost a gallon and a half every day. Inadequate water intake causes health problems.

Goat care is almost like that of other animals, including pets, even humans. All our nutritional needs are different only in quantities, but everything is the same.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Getting Rid of Illnesses with Proper Goat Care

Goats are generally healthy animals and will remain to be healthy if properly cared for, but there will be times when this becomes inevitable, but surely it will just be easy getting rid of goat illnesses with proper goat care.

It may seem a bit costly to have your animals vaccinated, especially in partnering with a local veterinarian to keep your animals in check, but surely it will mean just a fraction of the cost you can jack up if your herd starts to get ill and leave you spending thousands of dollars in treatment cost, that’s exclusive of costs you may incur due to loss of production.

There are numerous conditions that can affect goats, however, we hope to mention some of the most common ones that can be addressed with proper care, treatment and even prevention.

One of the most common disease that has affected goats in the past is Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis Virus (CAEV), which is a widespread condition among dairy – producing goats, which most of the time, is also transmitted to goat kids by infected does, but can surely be prevented with proper precautionary measures through the administration of vaccines.

At the onset, the effects of Caprine Arthritis is not always visible, since it is a retrovirus that generally infects young goats or kids and do not usually exhibit the symptoms of the disease unless they get older in age.

However, as it starts to afflict older goats, it is indicative of common symptoms like swollen knees or hocks, but the best possible way to identify the disease is through blood tests, but also sometimes has a way of deceiving the blood test since it may sometimes not show up in the blood, making it a less accurate way to determine the disease.

The encephalitis virus, on the other hand, also affects goats of any age, which is characterized by symptoms similar to that of white muscle disease.

It begins with the young kid not able to move their hindlegs, which eventually moves over to progress towards the front legs and so on.

This makes the kid lose appetite and will eventually be unable to eat and drink regardless of the compulsion to do so.

The virus commonly ends in death resulting from seizures.

Technically, there is still no known vaccines or treatment for this virus, but can be prevented though, by isolating the infected animal from the rest of the herd, as well as direct treatment of the symptoms affecting the animals.

As a natural prevention method, it is highly advised that kids of CAEV infected does must be separated from infected does and should be fed with heat –treated colostrums.

Among the other common disorders are ketosis, which is neither a virus nor bacteria, but is simply a deficiency in vital nutrients commonly affecting pregnant does that if left untreated, will cause does to weaken, resist food and water and eventually die.

Another one is selenium deficiency, which can lead to white muscle disease, with effects similar to that of CAEV, characterized by weak muscles and causes tremors in the hind and front legs.

Selenium is a mineral found in the earth and is usually acquired through feeding of fresh grass, but can also be administered as a mineral infusion by veterinarians called Bo –se shots or vaccines.

So it would be best to take very good case of your goats and ensure good health by getting rid of goat illnesses with proper goat care and knowledge.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Getting Started on a Goat Farm with Proper Goat Care

Getting started on a goat farm is not that complicated, but with an idea about proper goat care, all you need is a bit of passion and know some trivia about goats.

Here is a hodge podge of information about goats that could help motivate and inspire you more with your goat farm venture.

Goats generally eat grass, but in order for them to be more healthy, your local veterinary supply store sells vitamins and mineral supplements intended for goats, as well as goat feed that are fortified with essential nutrients that can help keep your goats in tip top shape.

For those that are just starting out in goat farming and would like to know how to make goats eat more to be more productive, always keep your goats in suitable pens and avoid crowding them too much in one space.

Always make sure to maintain an average temperature within your goat pens, to avoid agitating your goats that may hamper in their productivity and prevent you from getting the optimum results that you expect from your animals.

Although many people believe that goats do not always need water, they actually do. So always have a steady supply of clean water available, especially during the warmer months since drinking water is one way for goats to keep cool and avoid getting disrupted from their usual productivity, like for breeding, milk produce or wool production.

Avoid feeding goats with rotting food or contaminated grains or feeds, since this could cause goats to get sick or even die, especially if the contaminated food is ingested right away.


This is also true in keeping or storing goat feed inside rodent –free containers. This is to keep the food from getting contaminated by rats, especially those that usually forage garbage and trash, since they are common carriers of disease and getting your goats contaminated by these pests could potentially be dangerous to your entire herd.

It is also best to keep your haystack on a haystand or a platform, which will keep the hay off the ground, to avoid it from getting wet and may become moldy or may serve to potentially become a habitat for ground -dwelling insects or rodents.

Goats are also the picky type, since they will not drink water from a dirty container or bucket, so always make it a point to keep their water containers for drinking always clean and replaced with fresh water regularly, lest they suffer from dehydration and eventually die.

Always make it a point to have immediate contact with a veterinarian at any given time, since goats are generally susceptible to common farm animal diseases and although there are available treatments available for most of these common diseases, having a veterinarian administer treatment right away will prevent one from incurring further losses due to infestation of the whole herd.

It is also best advised to feed the goats more during colder seasons, since more food digested by the goats allow for more heat being generated in their bodies.

Do take heed of these ideas and you can be on your way to getting started on a goat farm with proper goat care and be able do it with confidence.
